New Legislation Happening in New Jersey Now! Louisiana fight may not be over!

On the heels of our success in Illinois, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Florida, by informing legislators on the safety and the enormous health benefits Kratom presents, we face another legislative challenge in New Jersey.

Again, we are faced with the misconception that Kratom is a dangerous substance that should be included in the same category as a “synthetic drug.” We are committed to fighting this legislation and presenting the research and facts about Kratom and it’s long, historical, and safe use around the world. We need your continued support as without the work of the community we would not have had such success in other states.

New Jersey Assemblyman Ron Dancer, filed NJ bill A4431 in the State Legislature on April 28, 2015 to make Kratom illegal in the state of New Jersey. At this time, the bill in full is not appearing on the NJ State website. However, we are at this moment, preparing to do what we have done in previous states by sending educational information, trying to place lobbyists and supporters “on the ground” in New Jersey.

In Louisiana, the bill H174 bill was amended to remove Kratom, but the fight is not over as there are three senators that represent the senate bill, one of which whom sits on the Health Committee. Since it appears that a district attorney has asked Kratom to be placed on a bill in the first place, we may see a problem at the senate level in the future. With the support of our lobbyist and the businesses in that state we are working diligently to ensure that the education continues.


First, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to continue to fund the lobby efforts that can assist both in Louisiana and New Jersey. Your donations will aid in hiring these lobbyists to help us in the fight in these states. Make a donation

Second, VOICES NEEDED! It is vitally important for legislators to know who are the beneficiaries of the use of Kratom. BLD has contacted Mr. Dancers’s office in hopes of getting a meeting, but due to not having a New Jersey presence we have been unsuccessful. We are seeking New Jersey based doctors, VETS, consumers, and businesses that are willing to publicly speak to Representative Dancer. Please email us if you can help. Your voice matters!

Thank you for your loyal support as we faithfully fight against to educate those who misunderstand Kratom and the amazing benefits it provides!

In a dramatic move that will, undoubtedly, impact the current landscape, the DEA removes Kratom from it’s “drugs of concern” list signifying another giant step forward in our efforts to fight against the misconceptions and misclassification of this herb. Full DEA List Here

Forbes’ contributing science and technology writer, David Disalvo, took the Kratom challenge with surprising results. Click Here to see his personal insights after taking on the challenge using various types of Kratom products.