43+ members of Congress have joined the dear collegue letter. Contact your congressional representative and ask him or her to consider also signing.

43+ members of Congress have joined the dear collegue letter. Contact your congressional representative and ask  him or her to consider also signing. We will update this list as additional members join the dear collegue letter. Below are links to help you find your representatives and also a link for the letter. The deadline has been extended to Friday at the end of business day so please do this immediately. The physical letter will be circulated for signatures to each of the offices on Monday morning, and the letter will actually be sent (via email and hard copy) on Monday afternoon.

Mark Pocan – D – WI

Matt Salmon – R – AZ

John Conyers – D – MI

Hank Johnson – D – GA

Tim Ryan – D – OH

Jared Polis – D – CO

Adam Smith – D – WA

Dana Rohrabacher – R – CA

Daniel Benishek, M.D. – R – MI

Steve Cohen – D – TN

Joe Heck, D.O. – R – NV

John Yarmuth – D – KY

Mark Sandord – R – SC

Mick Mulvaney – R – SC

Steve Israel – D – NY

Ted Poe – R – TX

Gerald E. Connolly – D – VA

Betty McCollum – D – MN

Earl Blumenauer – D – OR

Tulsi Gabbard – D – HI

Michael Honda – D – CA

Gwen Moore – D – WI

Brad Wenstrup, M.D. – R – OH

Tom Graves – R – GA

Justin Amash – R – MI

Barbara Lee – D – CA

Raul Labrador – R – ID

Peter DeFazio – D – OR

Scott Tipton – D – CO

Julia Brownley – D – CA

H. Morgan Griffith – R – VA

Jim Costa – D – CA

Suzan DelBene – D – WA

Denny Heck – D – WA

Zoe Lofgren – D – CA

Scott Peters – D – CA

Suzanne Bonamici – D – OR

Ted Poe – R – TX

Dave Brat – R – VA

Tom Emmer – R – MN

Paul Gosar – R – AZ

MIchael Capuano – D – MA


dear colleague letter Pocan/Salmon link here


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