Kratom: 4 Reasons Why It’s Worth Exploring

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If you have been closely monitoring the Internet and been finding ways to keep yourself healthy, chances are you’ve seen this term once or twice. You might have even seen or heard about this in the news, especially with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)’s interest in cracking down on these products.

While Kratom tends to draw flak from these government agencies, there’s still a large buzz surrounding this product, now more than ever thanks to many claims that it helped them wean off their addiction. However, apart from serving as a relief of sorts for opioid addiction and withdrawal, there has been a growing following for this herbal supplement/recreational drug because of its mood-boosting capabilities.

With all the mix of information around Kratom, it may be challenging to know exactly what’s what. To shed more light on this product, we’ll be tackling what this really is and why you should explore this herbal plant/recreational drug. Take a look.

What is Kratom?

Before anything else, kratom, otherwise known as Mitragyna speciosa, comes from a tree with the same name. Native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand, its leaves have been used as herbal medicine to treat a variety of conditions. In particular, it has been used to address pain as it attaches to similar nerve cells in your brain to even helping manage sleep and other health conditions.

Today, it is also being utilized as a recreational drug of sorts and is consumed in a number of ways. The most popular being brewed into a tea, being utilized in cooking, and even being chewed. It is also being smoked or ingested through the use of ground-up pills.

Why You Should Incorporate Kratom in Your Life

Provide Pain Relief

Though the FDA and the DEA claim that kratom has no medical benefits, it has long been used in different parts on the globe, particularly in Asian regions, to treat chronic pain and even opiate-related withdrawal pain.

Other illnesses and conditions such as diarrhea, diabetes, fever, and hypertension have also found significant results when this is consumed. All of these pain-relieving benefits can be attributed to the alkaloid found within kratom, such as mitragynine which is recognized for its analgesic properties.

Enhance Mood

More than physical pain, this herbal drug is also considered a miracle worker as it eases emotional pain by promoting a euphoric feeling, thus inducing a general feeling of contentedness and even happiness.

Address Sleep Problems

One of the effects of consuming this is drowsiness. Higher doses of this drug can lead to sleepiness and even induce individuals to be in a dreamlike state. By consuming this plant, you can help treat sleeping problems such as insomnia as it can help lull you into a deep and restful slumber, allowing you to take the next day feeling much more energized. If you wish to address this particular concern, taking a cup of tea might work in your favor.

Boost Immune System

For those who wish to feel more energetic and who want to strengthen their immune system, this drug will provide the burst of energy that you need to conquer the day. Moreover, it can also help you to become more relaxed and reduce your stress and anxiety levels, both of which tend to trigger and agitate your immune system.

The Bottom Line 

Though there are still many studies conducted on kratom, there’s no denying the possible health benefits it can afford individuals. With the guidelines above, you can best gauge how you can incorporate this into your everyday life and why it’s even worth exploring in the first place.

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