People are banding together on the Dr. Phil message board, responding to the controversy of the upcoming episode. Join the conversation
Sherman claims his wife, Delphi, is addicted to kava and kratom teas, controversial — yet legal — drugs. He claims she spends $1,000 a month on these teas, as well as on alcohol, Adderall and vaping, and he says her lifestyle is tearing their world apart.
Delphi is adamant she’s not addicted to anything and says the only problem she has is her husband, whom she calls controlling, condescending, verbally abusive and “completely unbearable.” She says Sherman didn’t trust her with the finances and tricked her into signing their house over to him for $10 — a claim Sherman completely denies. Sherman’s sister, Julie, says Delphi’s behavior is out of control, and she fears for the couple’s 11-year-old daughter.
Are kava and kratom teas dangerous? Dr. Pat Basu, Chief Medical Officer of Doctor on Demand, weighs in. Is there any hope of saving this marriage? And, will Delphi accept Dr. Phil’s offer of help?