House Study Committee on Risks Associated with Kratom sets final meeting

On common ground news


The House Study Committee on Risks Associated with Kratom will hold its final meeting on Dec. 28, 11 a.m., Room 606 of the Coverdell Legislative Office Building, 18 Capitol Square S.W., Atlanta.

State Rep. Vernon Jones (D-Lithonia), a member of the study committee, said the Committee is looking closely at the issue to ensure consumers are protected and accurate information is shared about kratom.

“Kratom provides benefits to a lot of individuals from all walks of life, ages and genders. The overwhelming evidence, supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), is that some kratom products are being adulterated, contaminated and counterfeited that are unsafe,” said Jones.  “That adulteration has led to unfair claims that kratom itself harms consumers when it does not.  We need to make sure that we are sharing accurate information about kratom so that people are educated about its benefits, and we need to stop the adulteration and counterfeiting. I am committed to protecting every consumer from unsafe products, including unscrupulous adulterators and counterfeiters of kratom products.”

The public is invited to attend the meeting and will have the opportunity to sign up to testify.

For more information about the House Study Committee on Risks Associated with Kratom, call Jones’ office at 404-656-0287.