Things you should know about Kratom

16 Apr 2015 by Anton Bautist  |  Video Source:

Kratom, scientifically referred to as (Mitragyna Speciosa), is a tree in the coffee family (Rubiaceae) found in South Eastern Asian countries. This tree is commonly grown in central areas of Thailand, a few of its central regions but rarely found in northern territories. The tree has a long history in the continent, commonly used as a stimulant and pain reliever by the indigenous people.

The leaves of the plant are popular among the elderly males who chew the raw tree leaves to help with physical labor and ailments. Traditionally, its use dates back several centuries, but in recent years it has made its way west and used as an all-natural supplement for prescription pain medications.

The Common Uses of Kratom

In East Asia, it has often been used as an opium substitute or to control opium addiction. In the modern age, it has expanded beyond the Asian continent, and has found several applications, including:

  • Medicinal use: Traditionally as a medicine, Kratom is used to reduce coughing through Vasodilation and diarrhea caused by Dysentery, treat intestinal infections such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and reduce Muscle Pain and Fatigue. Due to its pain relieving (Analgesic) qualities, Kratom is commonly used to treat symptoms of acute pain.
  • Recreational use: Kratom, in larger doses, offers a calm and relaxing or euphoria effect similar to some mild opiates. It affects the brain similarly to an opiate although it is not an opiate, and contains over 25 active alkaloids ranging from Mitragynine to Corynantheidine which is also found in Yohimbe.
  • Opiate detoxification: The active Alkaloids found in the Kratom leaf help to reduce the severe effects of opiate withdrawal. It has also been used successfully in many US drug rehabilitation clinics.
  • Other use: Within the last several years, many have found the energetic properties in Kratom to be beneficial in physical fitness regimens as well as to increase Libido.
