There’s a crackdown on cannabis in Powhatan—-where products found on store shelves are testing positive for marijuana.
“We do not want these items marketed in our county if they’re illegal,” said Powhatan Sheriff Brad Nunnally.
The CBD gummies and oils look harmless. They’re marketed as a way to enjoy the healing power of cannabis without the high. But after multiple complaints, the Powhatan sheriff’s office decided to take a closer look.
“We wanted to determine whether these products were legal or not regardless of what it says on the packaging,” Nunnally said.
Field tests showed some of these items with elevated levels of THC, the ingredient that causes a high.
So investigators sent samples to the state lab.
It determined with 95% certainty that the leafy substance labeled hemp flower was really marijuana, “which would make it illegal,” according to Nunnally.
Part of the problem is that these products aren’t really regulated. So what’s advertised on the label isn’t necessarily what you’ll find inside the packaging.
Store owners, according to the sheriff, thought what they were selling were legal. Once they found out the truth, they willingly turned over the questionable products.
Detectives say they’re holding onto the products until more lab results come back.
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