Kratom Ban Bill Opposed by Standing-Room-Only Crowd at NH State House – Full Video

“A standing-room-only crowd showed up to the NH state house on Tuesday to testify against a bill that would ban Kratom, SM758, only to discover that at the senator who submitted the bill changed it at the last minute into a bill that would instead regulate Kratom.”

A standing-room-only crowd showed up to the NH state house on Tuesday to testify against a bill that would ban Kratom, SM758, only to discover that at the senator who submitted the bill changed it at the last minute into a bill that would instead regulate Kratom. It was a sneaky move on the senator’s part, as it flipped the energy in the room. Most of the average folks who’d taken time off to come out and speak against the potential prohibition of Kratom were then relieved that it was now a regulatory bill, without understanding that regulations are also bad for freedom and will hurt the industry.

Luckily, NH 2020 candidate for governor, “Nobody” and I were both there to testify against both the prohibition and regulation concepts. Here’s the full hearing video:

If you’re not familiar, Kratom is a plant in the coffee family that has helped people break additions to opiates in online casinos canada and has helped others with pain relief, while for others it helps them with productivity.