There has been a lot of buzz about kratom in the media over the last week ago. Let’s make sure nobody missed anything. Paul Kemp has released yet another new article, this one calling out even more flaws in the United State’s medical system that may be highlighted by the recent ebola scare.
The Broward County Kratom Ban we posted about earlier this week still needs your activism to be struck down. Various articles have been released over the last week summarizing what’s been going on. Read about them here, here, and here.
A couple sensationalized media publishings have also come about over the last week. The media never fails to disappoint us with these reports, read about them here and here and make your voice heard.
Jeremy Glass, creator, writer and actor for the HBO series Girls, wrote an article on his experiment with kratom. Doesn’t sound like he quite figured out his optimal dose but it’s nice to see someone out there open minded enough to try new things.
April M. Short has written an exploratory article about kratom entitled “Plant That Gets You High and Reduces Opiate Addiction Is Taking Off in the US—And It’s Legal“. Although she doesn’t say anything incredibly negative about kratom, it’s not exactly clear what stance she is taking on the subject. has listed the known alkaloids that occur in the kratom leaf and their effects.
We do our best to keep everything on the site as up to date as possible. If you have any information or articles you find that are not on here, please let us know! We want to make this the best place for speciosa resources there is.